Poslovni prostor večji kompleksi prodaja

Severna Primorska, Renče - Vogrsko

Osnovni podatki

vrsta objekta: poslovni prostor
cena: 4.900.000 €
transakcija: prodaja
leto izgradnje: 1935
tip: večji kompleksi
regija: Severna Primorska
velikost: 6.654,00 m²
področje: Renče - Vogrsko
šifra oglasa: 610
parcela: 46.783,00 m²
lokacija: Bukovica



Dodatni opis

Večji industrijski kompleks v obratovanju ki se nahaja na strateški lokaciji blizu državne meje z Italijo. Kompleks je idealno pozicioniran v neposredni bližini vozlišča vseh pomembnejših prometnih povezav ter avtoceste, kar omogoča odlično dostopnost in povezanost z mednarodnimi trgi. Industrijski kompleks se nahaja v naselju Bukovica v občini Renče Vogrsko, nahaja se 5km od državne meje z Italijo ter 2.5 km od avtoceste. Dostop do kompleksa je mogoč z vsemi tovornimi vozili.

Industrijski kompleks tvori zemljišče s površino 4.7 ha na katerem se nahaja več industrijskih in poslovnih stavb zgrajenih v različnih obdobjih od leta 1935 do leta 2006. Industrijski kompleks je nastal v 30-ih letih prejšnjega stoletja za potrebe obratovanja opekarne, v povojnih časih se je kompleks dograjeval z večjimi in sodobnejšimi industrijskimi halami. Osrednje poslovno-industrijske stavbe tvorijo večje hale in upravna stavba s pisarnami s skupno površino 3.380 m2 zgrajene v letih 1979, 1988 in leta 2006 kjer se odvija tudi proizvodnja in skladiščenje. Preostale zgradbe na zemljišču so industrijski obrati stare opekarne. Na zemljišču se nahaja tudi novo montažno skladišče s površino 2.000 m2 (100m x 20m) ki se uporablja za skladiščenje. Industrijski kompleks ima lastno elektro-transformatorsko postajo.

Zaradi velikosti zemljišča, razpoložljivega prostora, namenske rabe ter urbanističnih pogojev je možno na lokaciji dodatno dograjevati in graditi nove poslovno - industrijske stavbe kakor tudi stavbe za bivalne namene.

Posebnost območja, zemljišča predmet prodaje je njegova namenska raba katera omogoča graditev in umestitev tudi stavb za bivalne namene.

Industrijski kompleks ponuja izjemen potencial za različne dejavnosti, kot so logistika, skladiščenje, proizvodnja in druge industrijske panoge. Zaradi svoje lege in infrastrukture je še posebej zanimiv za tuje vlagatelje, mednarodne korporacije ter podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo z logističnimi storitvami in proizvodnjo.

Če iščete prostor, ki združuje odlične prometne povezave, dostop do ključnih tržnih poti in dovolj prostora za rast vašega podjetja, je ta industrijski kompleks popolna priložnost.

Cena je brez DDV (možnost obrnjene davčne obveznosti - kupec davčni zavezanec plača le neto znesek). 

Zemljiškoknjižno stanje nepremičnine je urejeno.

Pogoj prodajalca za sklenitev kupoprodajnega posla: kupec je dolžan povrniti del stroškov prodaje v višini 2% pogodbene vrednosti + DDV.

Za informacije in ogled nepremičnine kontaktirati agenta: Marko +386 31 612 000 ali info@urbanistika.si

Vabljeni na ogled!



Larger industrial complex in operation, located in a strategic location near the national border with Italy. The complex is ideally positioned in the immediate vicinity of the hub of all major transport links and the highway, which enables excellent accessibility and connection to international markets. The industrial complex is located in Bukovica in the municipality of Renče Vogrsko, it is located 5 km from the national border with Italy and 2.5 km from the highways to Italy and Slovenia directions. Access to the complex is possible with all trucks.

The industrial complex forms a plot of land with an area of 4.7 ha, on which there are several industrial and office buildings built in different periods from 1935 to 2006. The industrial complex was created in the 1930s for the needs of a brick factory, in the post-war years the complex was extended with larger and modern industrial halls. The central commercial and industrial buildings in use are larger halls and administrative buildings with offices with a total area of 3,380 m2 built in 1979, 1988 and 2006, where production and storage also take place. The remaining buildings on the land are the industrial plants of the old bric production. There is also a new prefabricated warehouse with an area of 2,000 m2 (100m x 20m) on the land, which is used for storage. The industrial complex has its own electro-transformer station.

Due to the size of the land, the available space, the intended land use and the urban conditions, it is possible to add on the site and build new commercial and industrial buildings as well as buildings for residential purposes.

The specialty of the area, the land subject to sale, is its purposeful land use, which enables the construction and placement of buildings for residential purposes.

The industrial complex offers big potential for various activities such as logistics, warehousing, manufacturing and other industries. Due to its location and infrastructure, it is particularly interesting for foreign investors, international corporations and companies involved in logistics services and production.

If you are looking for a place that combines excellent transport links, access to key market routes and enough space for your business to grow, this industrial complex is the perfect opportunity.

The price does not include VAT (possibility of reverse tax liability - the taxable buyer pays only the net amount).

The land register status of the property is regulated.

The seller's condition for concluding a sales transaction: the buyer is obliged to reimburse part of the sales costs in the amount of 2% of the contract value + VAT. You are welcome to visit!

For more information and to view the property, contact the agent: Marko +386 31 612 000 or info@urbanistika.si

You are welcome to visit it!

URBANISTIKA, družba za projektiranje, inženiring in nepremičnine d.o.o.
+386 31 612 000
+386 5 6314 394
Marko Balaban
+386 31 612 000

Kontaktni obrazec