Vila na ekskluzivni lokaciji s neprecenljivo lego neposredno ob morju s svojim dostopom do plaže. Nahaja se tik ob morju na italijanski strani Lazareta pri Miljah, nekaj 100 metrov od mejnega prehoda s Slovenijo. Vila se nahaja na prostranem očarljivem urejenem in ograjenem zemljišču (8.001m2), ima očarljiv pogled na zaliv in krajinski park iz vseh zahodnih odprtin stavbe. Zemljišče ob vili ima lepo urejeno zunanjo ureditev z zatravljenimi površinami, druga polovica zemljišča pa predstavlja lepo negovan oljčnik, ki lastniku nudi veselje ob pridelavi odličnega domačega oljčnega olja.
Vila je arhitekturni biser iz konca 19. stoletja, ki je bila skrbno kompletno prenovljena z upoštevanjem mediteranskega arhitekturnega izročila, da bi zadovoljila sodobne potrebe bivanja. Z ohranitvijo originalnih detajlov in dodajanjem modernih elementov je vila prava paša za oči. Prostorni in svetli prostori so idealni za luksuzno bivanje in sprostitev ob morju.
Vila izžareva pridih mondene preteklosti, saj je bila zgrajena leta 1890 kot poletna rezidenca ugledne industrijalske družine.
Do Vile se dostopa skozi večja dvokrilna dvoriščna vrata po vrtni aleji ki deli lepo negovan oljčnik. Vila je grajena v 4-ih etažah s prvo delno vkopano etažo kjer se nahajajo bivalni prostori za goste ter tehnični prostori, v pritlični etaži se nahaja razkošen dnevni prostor s kaminom ter razgledno verando ter kuhinjo, v tretji in četrti mansardni etaži se nahajajo sobe.
Vendar pa je prava posebnost in redkost predmetne nepremičnine njena lokacija tik ob morju in veliko zemljišče na kateri se nahaja. Hiša ima izjemno dominantno razgledno lego iz vseh delov stavbe pa tudi zemljišča. Lokacija vile nudi čudovite vedute na morje, miren zaliv pred vilo in krajinski park, brez motečih vplivov industrijskega področja.
Vila je bila popolnoma prenovljena izhajajoč iz obodnih konstrukcijskih zidov leta 2015, v istem letu je bila izvedena tudi melioracija zemljišča ter dokončana zunanja ureditev širšega dvorišča ob hiši v okviru katere je bila urejena tudi kompletna meteorna ureditev območja.
V letu 2021 je bila finalizirana tudi delno vkopana 1. etaža kjer so se uredili bivalni prostori.
Vila ima urejeno vso gradbeno dokumnetacijo prenove ter ima pridobljeno uporabno dovoljenje.
Če želite bivati na eni izmed najbolj prestižnih lokacij, na veliki posesti, v Vili z bogato zgodovino in popolno prenovo ter uživati v čudovitem naravnem okolju, je to nepremičnina za vas. Priložnost, ki je ne smete zamuditi!
Zemljiškoknjižno stanje nepremičnine je urejeno.
Vabljeni na ogled!
Villa in an exclusive location with a priceless location directly by the sea with its own access to the beach. It is located right by the sea near small Mediterranean town Muggia, a few 100 meters from the border crossing with Slovenia. The villa is located on a spacious charming landscaped and fenced plot (8.001 m2), it has a charming view of the bay and landscape park from all openings of the building. The land next to the villa has a well-kept outdoor arrangement with grassy areas, and the other half of the land is a well-kept olive grove, which gives the owner the joy of producing excellent home-made olive oil.
The villa is an architectural gem from the end of the 19th century, which was completely carefully renovated in accordance with the Mediterranean architectural tradition in order to meet the modern needs of living. By preserving the original details and adding modern elements, the villa is a feast for the eyes. Spacious and bright rooms are ideal for a luxurious stay and relaxation by the sea.
The villa exudes an air of fashionable past, as it was built in 1890 as a summer residence of a prominent industrial family.
The Villa is accessed through a large double-winged patio door through a garden alley that divides a well-kept olive grove. The villa is built on 4 floors, with the first floor partially buried where there are living spaces for guests and technical rooms, on the ground floor there is a luxurious living room with a fireplace and a veranda with a view and a kitchen, on the third and fourth attic floors there are rooms and appartments.
However, the real specialty and rarity of the property in question is its location right by the sea and the large land on which it is located. The house has an exceptionally dominant panoramic position from all parts of the building as well as the land. The location of the villa offers beautiful views of the sea, a quiet bay in front of the villa and a landscaped park, without disturbing influences from the industrial area.
The villa was completely renovated starting from the perimeter structural walls in 2015, in the same year land reclamation was also carried out and the external arrangement of the wider yard next to the house was completed, within the framework of which the complete meteorological arrangement of the area was arranged.
In 2021, the partially buried 1st floor, where the living spaces were arranged, was also finalized. The house has all the construction documentation of the renovation in order and has obtained a use permit.
If you want to live in one of the most prestigious locations, on a large property, in a Villa with a rich history and a complete renovation, and to enjoy a beautiful natural environment, this is the property for you. An opportunity not to be missed!
The land register status of the property is regulated.
You are welcome to visit it!