Zemljišče zazidljivo prodaja

Sremski okrug, Indjija

Osnovni podatki

vrsta objekta: zemljišče
cena: 3.135.000 €
transakcija: prodaja
tip: zazidljivo
regija: Sremski okrug
velikost: 82.500,00 m²
področje: Indjija
šifra oglasa: 478-1
lokacija: Inđija



Dodatni opis

VEČJE NEPOZIDANO STAVBNO ZEMLJIŠČE na odseku avtoceste Beograd - Novi Sad za industrijsko, obrtno, poslovno in trgovsko rabo. Nahaja se na strateško zanimivi lokaciji ob autocesti A1 oz. E-75 Beograd – Novi Sad.  Autocesta E-75 je trasa AC katera povezuje sever Evrope, od Norveške preko Budimpešte do juga Evrope, Grčije. Ta lokacija oz. odsek autoceste spada tudi v prometni Koridor 10 ki povezuje Salzburg, Ljubljano, Zagreb, Beograd, Niš, Skoplje, Veles in Solun v Grčiji.

Zemljišče ima površino 82.500 m2 oz. 8,25ha, je ravno in je pretežno pravilne pravokotne, kvadratne oblike približnih dimenzij 290m x 280m. Zemljišče tvori sklenjen sklop več zemljiških parcel. Zemljišče se nahaja ob avtocestnem izvozu in ima neposreden dostop iz lokalne ceste. Zemljišče ima dobro vidnost iz avtoceste - 150 m (npr. ime brenda na predvideni stavbi). Ob zemljišču in na zemljišču je prisotna vsa potrebna infrastruktura tudi telekomunikacija. Voda je že na zemljišču, možnost izvedbe vrtine za potrebe lastnega vodnega vira. Ob zemljišču je tudi plinska postaja, na zemljišču pa elektro energetski vod, srednjenapetostni. Zemljišče v naravi trenutno predstavlja čisto obdelovalno površino za kmetijske namene. 

Zemljišče je po namenski rabi v celoti zazidljivo. Namembnost urejata dva prostorska dokumenta in sicer cca polovica površine zemljišča (cca 4ha) je opredeljena kot stavbno zemljišče za industrijsko, obrtno, poslovno in trgovsko rabo, na osnovi katerega je možno pridobiti gradbeno dovoljenje, medtem ko je druga polovica površine zemljišča (cca 4ha) tudi opredeljeno kot stavbno zemljišče za isto namembnost za katerega je potrebno pred pridobitvijo gradbenega dovoljenja izdelati podrobnejši prostorski načrt za umestitev določene vsebine – stavbe v prostor.  

Za lažjo predstavo velikosti in oblike zemljišča: zemljišče ustreza npr. za umestitev tipičnega trgovskega centra kot je Ikea, površina za stavbo in površina za mirujoči promet.

Pridobljena ažurna lokacijska informacija iz katere je možno razbrati dopuustne posege v prostor oz. gradnjo.

Zemljiškoknjižno stanje nepremičnine je urejeno in brez bremen. Lastnik zemljišča je pravna oseba katera ima v osnovnoh sredstvih le predmetno nepremičnino - možen nakup omenjene pravne osebe, družbe s predmetnimi (zemljišče) osnovnimi sredstvi. 

Za več informaciji in vpogled v dokumentacijo prosim pokličite ali pišite: agent Marko +386 31 612 000 ali info@urbanistika.si



LARGE UNBUILDED BUILDING LAND on the Belgrade - Novi Sad highway section for industrial, craft, business and commercial use. It is located in a strategically interesting location next to the A1 highway or E-75 Belgrade – Novi Sad. The E-75 highway is basically an AC route that connects the north of Europe, from Norway via Budapest to the south of Europe, Greece. This location or the highway section also belongs to the traffic Corridor 10, which connects Salzburg, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Belgrade, Niš, Skoplje, Veles and Thessaloniki in Greece.

The land has an area of 82,500 m2 or 8.25ha, it is flat and has a predominantly regular rectangular, square shape with approximate dimensions of 290m x 280m. The land forms a closed set of several land plots. The land is located next to the highway exit and has direct access from the local road. The land has good visibility from the highway - 150 m (e.g. brand name on the planned building). All the necessary infrastructure, including telecommunications, is present next to the land and on the land. Water is already on the land, the possibility of drilling a well for the needs of your own water source. There is also a gas station next to the land, and there is a medium-voltage power line on the land. The land is fully buildable according to its intended use.

The purpose-land use is governed by two spatial documents, namely approximately half of the land area (approx. 4ha) is defined as building land for industrial, craft, business and commercial use, on the basis of which it is possible to obtain a building permit, while the other half of the land area (approx. 4ha) also defined as building land for the same purpose, for which it is necessary to prepare a more detailed spatial plan for the placement of certain content - the building in the space - before obtaining a building permit.

For an easier idea of the size and shape of the land: the land corresponds to e.g. to accommodate a typical shopping center such as Ikea, the area behind the building and the area for stationary traffic.

Obtained up-to-date location information from which it is possible to determine permitted interventions in the space or construction.

The land register status of the property is regulated and free of encumbrances. The owner-seller of the land is a company whose fixed assets include only the property in question - possible purchase of the mentioned company, company with the fixed assets in question (land).

For more information and to view the documentation, please call or write to: agent Marko +386 31 612 000 or info@urbanistika.si

URBANISTIKA, družba za projektiranje, inženiring in nepremičnine d.o.o.
+386 31 612 000
+386 5 6314 394
Marko Balaban
+386 31 612 000

Kontaktni obrazec